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Our message to those who have found us


How’s your day been?

At some point in the past, a striking idea crossed my mind – "Why can't we be the company that embodies excitement?" Many might have pondered a similar notion, but turning that idea into reality proved to be quite the challenge. Nonetheless, the beauty of our journey lies in finding colleagues who resonated with our vision, gradually forming a powerful alliance that propelled us to take even the smallest steps towards our goal.

Uniting individuals with shared experiences and philosophies, we continue to metamorphose into an organization that shapes a culture far superior tomorrow than today. While our philosophy and culture may not align with everyone, we relish the thrill of connecting with kindred spirits – like-minded colleagues and partners who stand shoulder-to-shoulder with us in the pursuit of growth. Together, we strive to create a space where countless others can embark on an endless voyage of self-discovery, embrace our shared values, and accomplish dreams side by side.

As we cultivate a thriving environment and forge ahead resolutely, we extend an invitation for anyone to join us on this transformative journey. Embracing the core value of equal opportunity, we celebrate objective evaluations that pave the way for subjective growth without bounds!

A culture of continuous learning – we embrace self-improvement, draw wisdom from our peers, and savor the joy of shared experiences!

Isn't that freaking inspiring?

We firmly believe in the philosophy that motivation is temporary, but discipline is permanent.

To each of you, brimming with exceptional capabilities and unyielding passion – are you still exploring your path, seeking to unleash your fullest potential?

Let it be known that we stand by you, as you embrace a promising tomorrow. Our unwavering support is here, always.

Warm regards

Kwang Yong Song & Yoon Shik Kim